General terms of use of the website .
1. Intellectual Property
The content of this Website is the intellectual property of TAXI THESSALONIKI COOPERATIVE under the name .
All intellectual property rights of this Website and the technical, commercial and financial data it contains belong to or to third parties, to which they legally concern.
This Website and all its content (such as graphics, logos, images, text and images) is intellectual property and is protected by the Greek legislation on intellectual property, as well as the relevant directives and decisions of the European Union and international treaties. By accessing this Website you agree that you accept the above copyright laws and the terms and conditions contained herein.
2. Trademarks
The trademark is a trademark of THESSALONIKI TAXI COOPERATIVE. The names of other products and companies mentioned on this website may be trademarks or trade names of their respective legal owners. Your access
to this website should not be understood as granting – directly or indirectly – or in any other way, any license or right to use the symbols displayed on this website, without the prior legal written consent
of or any third party legal owner or their beneficiary.
3. Use of Website
It is prohibited to reproduce, transfer, distribute, modify, exploit or store part or all of the content, in any form, without the prior written consent of It allows you to visit its websites through your computer, mobile phone and tablet or to print copies of extracts of these pages, solely for your personal use only for the purpose of their study and analysis, provided that the these details will not be changed, altered or used misleadingly.
4. Limitation of Liability
This website may contain inaccuracies and typographical errors. does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the texts or the reliability of any advice, opinion, statement or other information mentioned or available on this Website.
Any reliance on such advice, opinions, statements or other information shall be at the sole risk of the visitor.
This Website and its content are provided for your convenience. The content of the websites is available “as is” and to the extent “available”. does not guarantee and does not accept corresponding responsibility, that its websites will not show interruptions or errors or that any defects will be corrected. No warranty, express or implied, is made for the availability, accuracy, reliability or content
of the website pages. Likewise, no warranty is provided regarding the ownership or non-infringement of the pages nor the merchantability or suitability of the pages for a particular purpose. bears no responsibility for special, positive, consequential, incidental, direct or indirect damages, lost profits or business interruption, which are due to the use or inability to use this service, even if syne-taxi .gr has been informed of the possibility of such damages.
The content of the website, as well as the information or data contained therein (eg products, product prices, etc.) are subject to modification at any time and without notice.
5. Protection of Personal Data does not sell, rent, or in any other way provide personal information voluntarily submitted by site visitors to any third party. Such information includes your name, address, telephone and fax number, as well as
your e-mail address.
This data will not be used for unsolicited communication. Communication of these details to third parties is possible only after the written permission of the visitor. may use anonymous statistical data (browser type, geographic location, age, gender) in order to continuously improve the website, but also in general to get to know the profile of the site’s visitors better. does notis going to share this information in any way with a third party, without the written permission of the owner of the personal data.
The management and protection of the personal data of the users of this website is governed by the provisions of Greek law (GDRP). If a user does not agree with the terms of protection of personal data provided in this section, he must not use the services of this website.
GDRP protects the Personal Data that visitors submit voluntarily, through the contact forms. It is particularly emphasized that every element required to complete the communication forms is necessary in terms of the most complete response of the company to each interested party and the most effective coverage of their communication needs (Offer, Technical Question, etc.). It is also emphasized that the Personal Data voluntarily provided by each user who communicates through are not stored, sold, or leased to any third party. Personal Data is usedexclusively for the response-answer to visitors’ questions, within a reasonable period of time from their submission. The user has the right to request a change or deletion of his data whenever he wants, at no cost to him.
6. Use by children
We recommend that children and young people under the age of 16 obtain their parents’ permission before sending their personal information to the website.
7. Applicable law and jurisdiction
The terms and conditions of use of this website, as well as any amendment, change or alteration thereof, are governed and supplemented by Greek law.